Ever since SOMA opened their doors, Brazil has been their most popular Coffee Origin. There is something about chocolate & nut flavours, backed up by a rich body, subtle acidity and a good amount of sweetness that just tickles the tastebuds of the everyday coffee drinker. Last year we decided to go a step further and actually travel to Origin and meet some of the farmers and learn more about the process involved.
This coffee comes from Fazenda Santuário Sul meaning 'The Sanctuary' and is produced by Luiz Paulo Dias Pereira, who is a fourth-generation coffee farmer. Fazenda Santuário Sul is a 120-hectare farm, 80 hectares of which are planted in coffee. Luiz is very curious about innovation through varieties and processing experiments, and he uses Santuário Sul as a kind of "test" farm for some of his ideas. Among the 30 varieties and cultivars grown there, is this heirloom Ethiopian variety called Yirgacheffe, after the region and profile it reflects. The heirloom varieties and very high altitude contribute to the exceptional quality of the farm's coffee.
This coffee is our first Direct Trade coffee here at Soma and this means this came straight from the farm to us without any middle men. A better price is paid to the farmer and all the farms workers. This exceptional coffee has all the tasty attributes of an Ethiopian coffee and all the comfort of a Brazilian wrapped up in one. Not only is it an experiment of the variety its also a Black Honey process which is one of the most complex and laborious types of coffee processing. This coffee has this amazing sticky sweet flavour full of Plum, Tangerine and Apricot complemented well by a medium chocolatey body.
Get your bag today from Soma Coffee Company and see for yourself!
- Origin - Carmo De Minas, Brazil
- Producer - Luiz Paulo Dias Pereira
- Varietal - Yirgacheffe (Mixed Heirloom)
- Altitude - 1,100 - 1,300 MASL
- Process - Black Honey
- Notes - Plum, Tangerine, Apricot & Medium Body
- Cupping Score - 87.5